
Are you still comfortable with sin?
I feel I should write about this issue when I heard my Pastor saying the same word I had heard my spirit saying over time. After I was opportune to minister on Thursday faith clinic, my pastor came up to the pulpit to round up the service and I heard him repeatedly saying “pray that God should make you uncomfortable with sin”.

It was not a mistake, I had heard him saying words I had heard from God. To confirm this, God told me to tell the church to laugh when I was saying a closing prayer on a Sunday service few weeks before August convention 2016 tagged “AMEN”. I was overwhelmed when I heard Daddy G.O [Pastor E.A ADEBOYE] telling the congregation in the camp to laugh, thus confirming was I heard.

If you by chance happen to read this post, then thank God. I must tell you, it is not by chance that you reading it but by the divine grace of God because he has something to tell you.
If you have read ARE YOU A TRUE CHRISTIAN on this blog, then this is just a follow up. But if you have not, I beg you to go read it.

The world we are living in is waxing stronger and stronger in iniquity [sin]. Everything in this world is working together to enhance sin and not righteousness. And very few are conscious of this even though Jesus Christ had warned us before now.

I have indulge myself, so comfortable with sin to the extent I happily tell people to indulge in them. When I see people who call themselves pastors and evangelist doing some of this things, I feel so comfortable doing them. Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

 Knowing it is a sin, I find solace because those around me are also doing it and that they are very religious people; both Christian and Muslim though I was warned never to call the latter a worshipper of the true God [JEHOVAH].
The most painful thing is that we no longer know or able to differentiate between right and wrong. Wrong has been so painted that it glitters like gold to be cherished and white as snow to behold. Understand this, all wrong doing are not sin but all sin are wrong.
Check yourself and ask a simple question; if Jesus Christ comes now, will he be happy with the kind of life I am living? Will he be happy with what I am doing now?
Heb 12:1 wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
Read this scripture slow and steady, you will see a whole lot more about getting comfortable with sin.
Let aside every weight; understand this, weight is not a sin but can lead to sin and has lead to the sin of many. Weight can come in many form. The most important thing is that it hinder or slow us from running the race ahead of us. And when weight reach it peak in our life, it will definitely lead to sin. Look at Cain in the bible, after God rejected his offering, the bible recorded that his countenance fell. He began to nurture hatred for his brother. And God said If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door…”  Sin await you if you don’t take of that weight [anger, hatred etc] from off you.

Look at Lot too in the bible it was God’s mercy that took him out of that city because in Gen 9:16 he lingered even though the angels hastened him… though his soul was vexed at the way of living in that city, at a time he was getting a bit comfortable living there that he lingered when he was told to go.. if not for Mercy, he would have perished.

Sin which doth so easily beset us; simple put, sin which we easily commit. Sins we are comfortable with. I can’t start naming this sins. But we should constantly check ourselves. He that thinketh he stands, should take heed, lest he falls. One particular sin that is so common and has in fact mingled it way into our life is Lie. I have heard many say there is white lie which is not a sin. They also say, the sin of a murderer is greater than the sin of a liar. Such a pity. I urge you to read the bible. It is the manual for daily living for all those who confess Jesus as there Lord and Saviour.
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

All liars no exception, no grade. All will partake in the same Lake of fire..

Though I write this, I also am talking to myself. Though I am now born of the Spirit, I am also human born of flesh and blood and living in a sin infested world.

Even though we are saved by grace through faith in Lord Jesus, will still have to work out our Salvation with fear and trembling. Satan is not sleeping. He is active until his end. Look around you, everything in this world has been polluted with the vices of devil.
And if it will take the grace of God to save the very elect how much more all those who are living comfortably with sin.



Who is Jesus Christ?


So many question about who Jesus is, some say he was a good man, some say he is just a prophet and not the Son of God [how can God have a son], some have denied him of worship claiming he is not a Deity, some have claimed he is a fable.. 
So many false preachers now abound with seducing spirit.

But this is what the bible say about Him..

God took God out of himself just as he took Eve out of Adam
Let me break it down a bit more

God took his Word- his word which is spirit and life Luke 6:63, The Word which made the heavens and earth, the Word which is the light of men John 1:4 and directed it to the womb of the virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit and not by any angel not even the ones that stands at his presence Luke 1:19. Angel Gabriel only made the announcement, it took the power of the Holy Spirit to transport the Spirit of the Word of God into the woman.

And the Word became flesh John 1:14, or simply put, and the word became Man. When I mean man, he was a complete man who was tempted, hungry, loved, wept, humble…. Never sinned nor inherited Sin
The Glory he had with the Father in Heaven did not follow him down to earth John 17:5, he totally depended on God the father for everything and in fact He did not began his purpose on earth until the Holy Spirit rested on Him in fullness John 1:32.

And what was his name?
His name his JESUS and it means Saviour
His name his CHRIST and it means Anointed One
His name is Emmanuel, and it means God with Us.

Jesus said “I and my Father are One” [He was simply telling us “God is with us because he has sent his Son [HIM] to live among men

Did I just mention Son? Yes
Moses called him a prophet but God, Twice in the New Testament, confirmed him to be his Son. The only begotten Son by whom all others who believe in Him are also given the privilege, the power, the authority to be called the sons of God

Jesus said “If you have seen me you have seen the Father” [He was simply telling them “God is with us because he is the visible essence of the invisible God]

Jesus said “For the Father is greater than I am” [so many people have tried to interpret this particular scripture in so many ways but they are forgetting that Jesus never failed to mention that He was sent and that means there is a sender. Please read John 17. Though he was man on earth, his pre-existence is from everlasting to everlasting, he never claim the position of the father but rather made it clear that though the Father is greater, he is one with HIM

He came to abolish the law for righteousness and not the law in itself Rom 10:4. Meaning there is no more righteousness by observing the Law but He has become our righteousness through our Faith In him. Obeying all the commandment of God without believing in Jesus whom he has sent to redeem man is simply not obeying God because he commanded them through Moses that Him they should listen to. God also commanded the disciples to obey him.

Jesus told his disciples in John 14:1 “Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in Me” You know why? He knew his disciple knows very well the Old Testament so he was simply telling them that you believe in the God of Israel, believe also in Me. Because every words that proceed out of his mouth is according to the will of the Father. My Father lives in me and I in the Father

Jesus came with a corruptible body. Did I shock you with that word? If Jesus had come with an incorruptible body, he wouldn’t have suffer hunger, pain and agony on the cross. In fact there wouldn’t be any blood to shed, because an incorruptible body is a glorious body. He came with a corruptible body but did not inherit sin neither did he sin because the nature of sin was not in him and this sinless state was needed for the redemption of man, a perfect sacrifice whose blood was needed for the remission of sin Heb 9:22, and all that is required of us is Faith in his blood Rom 3:25. Paul understood this that was why he beseech us by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies [corruptible bodies] a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

When Jesus was raised from the dead, he arose with his corruptible body transformed into and incorruptible one. Just the way ours to will be transform during the glorious rapture.

Was Jesus a created being? Some draw there question from Col 1:15 “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature” Jesus was never a created being, he had being with the father even before time was conceived, the bible says “and the Word was with God and the Word was God” John 1. The Father dwells with the Son and the Son with the Father. When the time of man’s redemption came, the Father had to give away the Son John 3:16 through whom all things where made and when the Son return back to heaven, he returned with a glorious body, and sat at the right of the Father interceding for us.

When it comes to resurrection, he is the first to resurrect Col 1:18 with incorruptible body, therefore setting a pattern for all who believe in him.

Jesus is not an Angel as some think, while angels are messenger and some standing in the presence of God Luke 1:19, Jesus himself is the present of God, the visible image of the invisible God. Angels were created by him and for him Col 1:17.

Should Jesus be worshipped? What is worship without Jesus? Can you truly worship God without the Son? Let assume you worship God, without the Son, you really do not know God. If you truly want to know God, then know the Son because Jesus is the only way to the true worship of God. When you worship Jesus, you are simply worshiping the Father because He and the Father are one John 10:30. Your relationship with the Son, means relationship with the Father [John 14: 21, 23]. The psalmist in 2:12 said “Worship the Son let he be angry”.

Did he claim to be the Son of God? The answer is yes he did claim that title in [John 10:36], When they were about to stone him for saying “I and my Father are one”. If he claim to be the Son of God then I as a Christian, I believe. If Jesus can call me gods [John 10:34], me that was made of dust, how then shall I address Jesus my Lord and Saviour that came from God and in God, who sat at the right hand of God, whom the twenty four elders and the four beast in Heaven fall down before and bow?

Is Jesus Christ the messiah of the whole world?
Some think that he was called to be the messiah of Israel only. Sometimes I wonder if they ever read the bible before they make such claims. The simple answer is; Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the whole world and without him there is no Heaven. If someone comes to you and say “hey you can make Heaven by doing good deed, don’t get caught up with doctrines of the bible”. Please run from such person because they don’t know the truth. Matt 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. He did not say Israel only but to all nation of the world

Finally reader…………….. Jesus Christ is God, the Son of God the Father and in union with God the Holy Spirit.
When God speaks, he does so through Jesus and in manifestation through the Holy Spirit. Amen

God so love that he gave...

The world we’re living in is a sinful world. The world itself as made by God is perfect but it sole inhabitant, man, have made it ungodly because of Sin and because it abound [Eccl 8:11]. God is not slacking concerning his coming and Judgement [1pet 3:8-9], he is waiting for the gospel of Jesus to be preach for a witness to all nations [Matt 24:14] and secondly he does not want any to perish.

That is why he sent Jesus to save man from his Judgement which is very terrible, [Zeph 1:15 Amos 5:18].
The bible says in John 3:16 For God so love the world that he gave the only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

This scripture is well known by Christian and non-Christian but taking a good look at it meditatively, it is the anchor upon which the whole gospel of the kingdom of God stands. Am saying this because some don’t pay attention to what they read but that is another interesting topic that will be discussed when the time is right.
For God so love the world-

Not the system of things at which the world operate now but “WE, ME, YOU”. God know us because he made us, He love us because we were made in his image and likeness and to have a personal relationship with Him. Remember Adam our first father, God had relationship with him until he transgress and for many generations, having relationship with God became difficult.
That He gave his only begotten Son-

God does not want that for us, he knows our helplessness when it comes to sin this was why He sent his Son Jesus to come and take away our Sin by dying on the Cross. Sin have to go away from us if we are to have a relationship with God. Jesus did not just come to take our Sins away, but also to show us the Way, the Truth and Life, and Peace.

Way- No philosophy, sect, moral life, solitude, idols, kings, wealth and the likes can restore unto us the age lost relationship with God except through the Son. He is the only way to the father because he came from Heaven,

Truth- The truth about the kingdom of God, the way we ought to live, reward of having the relationship God want restored, what is needful, about Heaven and Hell, about Satan and his devices ……

Life- Without relationship with God there is no life, we live in total darkness, like dead men walking. He sent his Son to give life to all; eyes to the blind, leg to the lame, health to the sick, hope to the hopeless, fruit of the womb to the barren. And even life abundantly {Eternal Life}. You see when he died, he died for the sins of human race so that the death symbol we were carrying around because of hereditary and personal sins be taken care of. And when he arose from the grave, he gave to us a new life. A life not bound to sin, a life cleans from hereditary and personal sin. Oh happy are those who understand this

Peace- imagine a father cut off relationship with his child. The child will never have peace no matter what he engage himself with to attain it. The world has offered peace in variety of ways but to a searching soul, he will never be satisfy well unless he embrace the Son. And the kind of peace the Son gives his eternally different from the world.
And whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life-
All we need to do is just to believe in Jesus-faith. We are not saved by works. No, not one will enter into heaven just by- been well behave, doing good, giving arms and the likes. All that was and is always required to be saved is BELIEVE (FAITH) in JESUS. Once you believe and accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour (for this is the will of God the Father), you’re saved. In fact, you’re justified Rom 3:24 and sanctified (Separated} by God.

It please God that by the name of Jesus all will be saved Rom 4:12 and come to a personal relationship with Him.
In fact, Angels in Heaven are watching right now has you are reading and cannot wait for you to confess Jesus are your personal Lord and Save.

Before you confess Jesus, there is few things you must know.
After confessing, you must strive maintain your relationship with God by

1.     1.   Studying his word [BIBLE].
It is a necessity for an up close relationship with him. His word is spirit and life

2.       Pray.
This simply means talking to God. Relationships is strengthened with communication. When you read the bible, God talks to you, when you pray, you talk to God.

3.        Trust.
You must totally depend on for everything.

4.       Examine your heart every day.
Some believe that after your sins are forgiving, subsequent ones will be forgiving without confessing the sin.
That is not truth.
It does not work that way.
We live in a world that is not suitable for this new life found in Jesus. This was the very reason why Paul said “work out your Salvation with fear and trembling” you have to continue in prayer, studying, exhortation and the things you hear God tell you to do.
Don’t feel relaxed after Confession and Repentance because the devil is devising every means to contend for your soul and like a roaring lion, he is looking for whom to devour. And God, though He is Love yet He is a consuming fire and cannot be mocked.
It is not his will that will should continue in Sin and if we do Sin, we should run to the Throne of Grace to confess our Sin and then obtain Mercy. This is an exclusive right for those who have confess him as Lord and Saviour.

5.       Fellowship with a bible believing Church.
So many seducing spirit can be found in churches…. Remember church simple means gathering of the believers. But not all believers are truly followers of Christ. Will write about that later as the Spirit leads. So you must pray that God gives you a heart to discern.

Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God
I believe that you came from heaven into this world
to shed your blood for the remission of Sin
I believe that you died on the cross for my Sin
I believe that you rose again from the dead.
I believe you’re coming back to take me with you.
Lord, come into my life and make me whole
Make me a new creature according to your word.
From now thenceforth, I put my trust in you
Dear Lord, give me the grace to abide in you. Amen

Look for a bible believing church and be baptise by immersion and the pray for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.



If you’re still comfortable with sin, you are not a Christian and no gainsaying about it. Many times in the bible, we were told to do away with sin because sin is the transgression of the law 1 John 3:4. Not the Laws of man but the Law of God.
When you break man’s law, you are subjected to punishment. This laws were not created to make living inconvenient, but rather to guide you and as well make you live peacefully with your neighbours. This also can be liken to the Law of God. Breaking this Law simply means sin. It means we do not have the fear of God enough to live by his commandment.

The first thing the Holy Spirit does after you confess Christ Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour is to convict your heart. This simply means you’re as guilty as charged. He helps you to see your barren life without Christ which in return create a hunger in you to draw closer to Christ Jesus. And then began the process of making you uncomfortable with sin. This is a lifelong process. Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
When you trust Holy Spirit completely, he helps you to become uncomfortable with sin by drawing you closer to the bible and also the act of prayer.

Note: it is one thing to be born again, another thing is to receive the Holy Spirit Act 2:38, 8:15-17, 11:15, 19:2

Are you a true Christian?

A true Christian will never be comfortable with telling lies
A true Christian will never be comfortable with silly Jokes
A true Christian will never be comfortable with Masturbation
A true Christian will never be comfortable with pornography
A true Christian will never be comfortable with going to club
A true Christian will never be comfortable with cheating
A true Christian will never be comfortable with sagging
A true Christian will never be comfortable with exposing cleavage
A true Christian will never be comfortable with dress that exposes sensitive parts
A true Christian will never be comfortable with drinking and getting drunk
A true Christian will never be comfortable with coarse talk
A true Christian will never be comfortable with profane words
A true Christian will never be comfortable with been lesbian
A true Christian will never be comfortable with been a gay
A true Christian will never be comfortable with gambling
A true Christian will never be comfortable with eye service
A true Christian will never be comfortable with fornication
A true Christian will never be comfortable with idol worship
A true Christian will never be comfortable with smoking
A true Christian will never be comfortable with hard drugs
A true Christian will never be comfortable with stealing
A true Christian will never be comfortable with been a cult member
A true Christian will never be comfortable with anger
A true Christian will never be comfortable with fighting
A true Christian will never be comfortable with prayerlessness
A true Christian will never be comfortable with not studying the bible
And less I forget, you cannot be a true Christian and be comfortable with listening to songs of jayz, lady gaga, rihanna and all of them whose life do not glory God not even in their songs. Even if they sing Christian songs, anybody can sing whatever song they like as long as they have a target market. Satan himself sings it better

This are just tips to what a Christian should not be comfortable with if they indulge in them because they are common phenomenon among the youth.

And all this things are sin……………………………………..

My people are perish because they lack knowledge Hos 4:6

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge Prov 1:7

The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. Prov 8:13.

please ponder on this things......



Have you ever sit yourself down and ask this simple question. Am I a true Christian?  This is a question Apostle Paul instruct us in 2Cor 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

Who is a Christian?
Simply put, a follow of Christ Jesus. We Christian did not give our self this name, it was the pagans in Antioch who, observing the lives of the early believers that they were living and imitating life of Jesus who they all knew directly or indirectly.

And what kind of life did Jesus lived on earth?
A godly life and the one that worship God the Father of heaven and earth though he was the Son of God and God himself, he did not lifted himself high while in flesh John 13:4. Before he died for our iniquities, he taught us how to live, where our heart should be, how to pray, what to do, when to do, he gave a new commandment and warned us about his return and verily he said, the love of many to him shall wax cold Matt 24:12

I ask you again like I ask myself every time. Am I a true Christian? This help me a lot to see {those I can easily observe} things that I am doing that don’t really beseem a child of God, a Christian. Because each time I call myself a Christian, am simply confessing that I am a follower of Christ.
Anybody can now call themselves Christian. If this generation of Christians were to live during the days when early Christian’s persecution was severe, I don’t think they will stand boldly and confess they are Christian knowing that an immediate death await them.


It seems we have lost the true definition of following Christ. When we say we follow Christ,
that means, we live the way he lived on earth and this could only be possible after his death and resurrection. The disciples could not live his kind of life while he [Christ] was still alive on earth because he had not paid the price for our sin, become our righteousness, our salvation and destroy the power of sin over us which is death. John18:10, Luke 5:54.
But now we could live the way he lived on earth because of the complete work of redemption, Faith in him and total reliance on the Holy Spirit he had left for us John 16:13.

Are you living the life of a Christian?
Anybody can claim to be a Christian. You go to church on Sundays, attend weekly service, pay your tithe, and engage yourself in church activities. This are things even the Pharisees do Matt 5:20. It goes way beyond that. Remember the young ruler in Luke 18:18, Jesus told him follow me. In another verse it says Take my yoke upon you Matt 11:29

This is how Gill explain it
Christ exhorts such persons who come to him for rest and happiness, to profess their faith in him, to embrace the doctrines of the Gospel, to submit to his ordinances, and to walk according to those laws, commands, and orders, which he, as king of saints, has made, and requires obedience to: so those who come to him for life, and believe in him, as the Saviour of their souls, though they are not to trust in, and depend upon any duties performed by them; yet they are not to sit still, or lay aside the performance of good works, or live a licentious course of life, but are always to be doing the will and work of their Lord. And this he calls "his yoke", in distinction from the yoke of the law of Moses, and of the traditions of the elders.

The yoke of been a Christian distinguish you from the World. Now the question is, do you have the yoke of Christ, the yoke of been a Christian? Because very Christian must have the yoke.
A yoke which will make you uncomfortable with sin, whose pleasure is for a season, a yoke that will make the world hate you because you don’t have pleasure to do that which they do again Rom 1:32

Another name for the yoke of Christ, MANAGEMENT.
When you take the yoke  upon yourself, you under the management of Christ

Are you living that life that profess Christianity?
It hurts me when I hear an unbeliever says, “If that guy is a Christian, I’d rather remain like this”
It hurt me when I hear women say “I will put my Christianity aside and fight you”
It hurt me when I hear Christians say in defence, “Christianity is in the heart”

Read....... Are you a true Christian part 2

In Jesus Christ, God is Known


Don't not call the Holy Spirit "IT"


Here is one word of caution: Do not call the Holy Spirit him "it"
We sometimes confuse personality with visibility.
Personality is not an attribute of a body; it is the attribute of a spirit.
You yourself have never been seen; you are not a body, but a spirit having a body



Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

2Tim 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

1John 2:26 These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.

Rev 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

1Tim 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

The Spirit speaketh expressly” simply means that the Spirit of God is blunt and does not hide anything concerning the future and the future of Christians in this latter days which I call THE HOURS OF TEMPTATIONS, THE PATH THROUGH THE DARK TUNNEL.
“Some shall depart from faith” This was not just talking about believers, but also great men of God. Men who were fervent at their first calling but now have been enticed and seduced by Satan. You will still find some of them on alter, but they are empty preaching the gospel without the backing of the Holy Spirit. And remember, it is the Holy Spirit that does the conviction of the heart.
Doctrine of the devils will entice the flesh unto sin but the doctrine of Jesus will convict the heart of sin

Seducing spirits are the chronic devises used by Satan to penetrate and put asunder believers from the Truth and unbeliever from learning about the Truth.
Seducing spirits sometimes speaks the truth carnally to create an appeal and also for devious reasons
Seducing spirits do not edify soul and spirit rather, they glorify the flesh.

Seducing spirits appeal to your senses
Seducing spirits appeal to your emotions
Seducing spirits appeal to your flesh
Seducing spirits are humble [a means to an end]
Seducing spirits tell you what you want to hear
Seducing spirits appeal to reasoning
Seducing spirits appeal to your pity
Seducing spirits have knowledge of the scripture
Seducing spirits preach Christ to draw attention
Seducing spirit is a motivator of moral living without Christ
Seducing spirits know all about prosperity
Seducing spirit is a master of invention
Seducing spirit is good in business
Seducing spirits quickly make friends
Seducing spirits praise the traditions of men
Seducing spirit accept people’s view of life as long as it is not a life of living in Christ

Seducing spirits are found in religion
 Seducing spirits are found in music
Seducing spirits are found amongst friends
Seducing spirits are found in technology
Seducing spirits are found in Movies
Seducing spirit found in clothing and make up.
Queen of heaven is a seducing spirit.

As the Spirit leads, I shall write more on seducing spirits found in this places…
This are trying times, let us be wise and pray for the spirit of discernment.





Nccf is like a mini Nigeria but with less sophisticated Government. It has many State and local Government within each State. Her Capital [NATIONAL] is located in Port Harcourt.

Let me not bore you with long stories and from this point I will be talking from State house perspective. I have never been to the State capital but the National President [2014] came to Akure State house to check on our welfare. And he indeed commend the State house to be one of the best he had seen.

There are Excos and House Official.

Followed by unordain group of guys who usually call themselves ELDERS

In NCCF, you will join a particular department were you may become active or inactive. And it is possible to join all department. I did but not active in some of them.

Drama, publicity, prayer, bible study, ushering, technical, mini mart department etc.


1.       PRESIDENT [ALSO KNOWN AS PAPA]- All batch A corp member are usually elected as President and they are never elected by vote but rather through prayer. They are usually very reserve by my observation. I remember my first encounter with the President [2014] His name is Seun. He called me to the office and ask me if I know him. And I was like “why won’t I know you. I have been here almost two month”. He was a medical practitioner likewise the one that came after him. They have the power to do and undo in that house. And no decision can be made without them knowing, well, except the once that does not concern the entire house.

He gives sermon every Sunday fellowship which take place in the evening or invite past Presidents or ministers. He also oversee the affair of zone and sub zone. This are NCCF houses located in other local government outside Akure.

2.       STATE SECRETARY [ALSO KNOWN A UNCLE]- All batch A corp members are usually elected as Secretary and they are never elected by vote but rather through prayer. They are usually very reserve by my observation. Uncle and Papa are the only Excos that live in the same room. Uncle does most of the administrative work and assisted by Auntie.

He rarely give sermon every Sunday fellowship. He also oversee the affair of zone and sub zone. He and auntie takes charge of family meetings

3.       ASSISTANT SECRETARY [AUNTIE] – Assist the Uncle in administration. They are usually female and little bit of reserved.

4.       TREASURER [ CBC OR CBN] – I really do not know what CBC means. They are in charge of money in the house. They are female too but friendly and good companion.

5.       FINANCIAL SECRETARY [ FINO] – They are in charge of balancing State house account. They can be any gender. A good friend of mine whose name is Hogan Joshua was once a Fino. When he wants to be alone, you will be helping him by staying away else you will see his unhappy face. Like someone whose food is taken away and he can do nothing about it.

6.       PRAYER CORDINATOR [ PRAYO] – They make sure that the house is never weary of prayer or prayer less. They are usually male. They have this strange energy. When others are tired they are not. When others are sleeping, their eyes is fully awake like a thief. When it is time for platoon midnight prayer, they will come and wake all those concern, which make me wonder if they ever sleep. They are very jovial and don’t play with food except when they are fasting.

7.       DRAMA DIRECTOR [DD] – every Sunday, there is always a drama presentation and also during rural rugged evangelism. Drama night and some other programs. They can be any gender.

8.       BIBLE STUDY CORDINATOR [RABBI]- is in charge of bible study which takes place every Wednesday and sermons every morning and at night before or after lunch. There is also a timetable which contain names of those who also help in taking sermon for them. These coordinators are male. They are good at what they do

9.       EVANGELISM COORDINATOR [RUGGED MAN] - they are indeed rugged. One of the primary reason for the existence of NCCF is evangelism. These evangelism are usually done in rural areas. All NCCF members from all zone and sub zone meet at the point of evangelism.

10.   PUBLICITY SECRETARY [PLUBLO]- they are in charge of publicity and media as well as selling motivational books in the house or programs held by NCCF

11.   TOS MAN – you hardly see them in the house. They are in charge of transportation and organisation in the house. They are energetic.

12.   CHOIR CORDINATOR [CMD]- coordinate praise and worship in the house and other programs. Usually coordinated by female and assisted by male

13.   SISTER’S WELFARE CORDINATOR [MAMA] –When you see guys gather at night singing for a sister before or after lunch, mama is not far from them. They are in charge of cooking for the house though assisted by both genders. If you’re close to mama, then you have no fear. She will recognise your cooler and serve your food in your absent.

I hope I have not fail to mention an exco

House Official.

While excos are in charge of administration within and outside the house, house official are organisers of the house. Corp members relate well with house officials. While Excos have their separate rooms, house officials’ sleep in the same place were ordinary corp members’ sleep. They listen to complains and attend to their needs. If it is beyond their power, they will involve the Excos

STATE BROTHER COORDINATOR [FATHER] - One of the most powerful member of the house after the President and Uncle is Father. He has no power over the other excos and they don’t have power over him. It will take more than two excos to question Father. He report directly to the president and occasional to uncle. He is much closer to the people than any other exco or house official. The duties of Father is to put the house in order whether the president is present or not. Batch A and Batch C are usually selected as Father.

ASSISTANT BROTHER COORDINATION [A FATHER] he assist father in carrying out his duties. He report directly to father. Batch A and Batch B are usually selected for this position. It is possible that the people will love A father more than Father depending on their closeness to them.

ASSISTANT SISTERS WELFARE COORDINATOR [A MAMA] she assist mama on daily routine.

Assistant transport and organisation committee [A TOS]: Assist TOSMAN on daily routine.

CHIEF USHER [CHIEFO] they prepare the hall for meetings, fellowship or programs

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR [AFAYO PAPAE] He is in charge of instruments and making the house and programs lively with good sound

CHIEF MEDICAL DIRECTOR [CMD] he or she is the house doctor. Whenever you feel sick, just go to them. The drugs given to you are free except if the house don’t have such drug.
Unofficial  include
The elders; group of guys who make the house lively. if there is something you like doing, and not hurtful to the house, you will be given a title for which yoou will be referred to as long as you remain a corper

Who and Who in NCCF

Brief History of Nigeria Christian Corper's Fellowship

In the early days of 1930’s there lived a British missionary, specifically a Scottish by name PA. S. G ELTON who resided in ilesa, Osun State(i.e. south western part of Nigeria). He gave prophecy that a time will come when the Federal Government of Nigeria will pay her youths to preach the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ to the nooks and crannies of the nation. This prophecy tarried for some time and look like it will not come to pass until between 1967 and 1970, when (Nigeria was hit with civil war) popularly known as Biafra war.
However in 1973, during the regime of general Yakubu Gowon, in a bid to build one united Nigeria he established a scheme known as the NYSC (National Youth Service Corp), this scheme demands that young Nigerian graduates be posted to states other than their state of origin to serve their fatherland in other to foster unity.

NYSC is built on three R keys:
  1. Rehabilitation
  2. Reconstruction 
  3. Reconciliation
During the orientation camp program, Christian graduates met and fellowship with one another. They then went back to their various states and share their experience of which to their surprise happens to be the same.

In 1983 NCCF came into existence. In NCCF we call ourselves “Jesus Corpers” and we have a slogan which is: Jesus Corpers will never die or NCCF – one big family NCCF have her national headquarter in Jos, plateau state. We are a three in one body;
  • Fellowship (where Christ and not church is preached)
  • Corporate body (meaning we are registered with the corporate affairs commission, and as a corporate body NCCF can sue and can be sued but we thank God for since then NCCF has not sue or been sued)
  • One big family
  • Rural rugged evangelism
In NCCF, we generate our funds through four means
  1. Tithes
  2. Offerings
  3. Freewill donation
  4. Capitation
Capitation is not your first fruit but one out of your 12 month allowances payable while you are still serving. It can be paid in instalment.

NCCF family house is a home away from home.. they provide accommodation to corpers who want to stay with them... if you want to know more about NCCF, then visit the family house.
NCCF is present in very state in Nigeria, and each state has a zone and sub zone.

(family song)
i love this family of God
so closely knitted into one
they have taken me into there arms
and am so glad to be apart of this great family


Picture Location.... NCCF STATE HOUSE

Picture Location..... NCCF permanent Site
(Batch A 2014 @NCCF permanent site under construction)

Mind you, this picture only capture few corpers living in the state house

This history was taken from National Youth Collage (NCCF)



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