Who is Jesus Christ?

So many question about who Jesus is, some say he was a good man, some say he is just a prophet and not the Son of God [how can God have a son], some have denied him of worship claiming he is not a Deity, some have claimed he is a fable.. 
So many false preachers now abound with seducing spirit.

But this is what the bible say about Him..

God took God out of himself just as he took Eve out of Adam
Let me break it down a bit more

God took his Word- his word which is spirit and life Luke 6:63, The Word which made the heavens and earth, the Word which is the light of men John 1:4 and directed it to the womb of the virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit and not by any angel not even the ones that stands at his presence Luke 1:19. Angel Gabriel only made the announcement, it took the power of the Holy Spirit to transport the Spirit of the Word of God into the woman.

And the Word became flesh John 1:14, or simply put, and the word became Man. When I mean man, he was a complete man who was tempted, hungry, loved, wept, humble…. Never sinned nor inherited Sin
The Glory he had with the Father in Heaven did not follow him down to earth John 17:5, he totally depended on God the father for everything and in fact He did not began his purpose on earth until the Holy Spirit rested on Him in fullness John 1:32.

And what was his name?
His name his JESUS and it means Saviour
His name his CHRIST and it means Anointed One
His name is Emmanuel, and it means God with Us.

Jesus said “I and my Father are One” [He was simply telling us “God is with us because he has sent his Son [HIM] to live among men

Did I just mention Son? Yes
Moses called him a prophet but God, Twice in the New Testament, confirmed him to be his Son. The only begotten Son by whom all others who believe in Him are also given the privilege, the power, the authority to be called the sons of God

Jesus said “If you have seen me you have seen the Father” [He was simply telling them “God is with us because he is the visible essence of the invisible God]

Jesus said “For the Father is greater than I am” [so many people have tried to interpret this particular scripture in so many ways but they are forgetting that Jesus never failed to mention that He was sent and that means there is a sender. Please read John 17. Though he was man on earth, his pre-existence is from everlasting to everlasting, he never claim the position of the father but rather made it clear that though the Father is greater, he is one with HIM

He came to abolish the law for righteousness and not the law in itself Rom 10:4. Meaning there is no more righteousness by observing the Law but He has become our righteousness through our Faith In him. Obeying all the commandment of God without believing in Jesus whom he has sent to redeem man is simply not obeying God because he commanded them through Moses that Him they should listen to. God also commanded the disciples to obey him.

Jesus told his disciples in John 14:1 “Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in Me” You know why? He knew his disciple knows very well the Old Testament so he was simply telling them that you believe in the God of Israel, believe also in Me. Because every words that proceed out of his mouth is according to the will of the Father. My Father lives in me and I in the Father

Jesus came with a corruptible body. Did I shock you with that word? If Jesus had come with an incorruptible body, he wouldn’t have suffer hunger, pain and agony on the cross. In fact there wouldn’t be any blood to shed, because an incorruptible body is a glorious body. He came with a corruptible body but did not inherit sin neither did he sin because the nature of sin was not in him and this sinless state was needed for the redemption of man, a perfect sacrifice whose blood was needed for the remission of sin Heb 9:22, and all that is required of us is Faith in his blood Rom 3:25. Paul understood this that was why he beseech us by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies [corruptible bodies] a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

When Jesus was raised from the dead, he arose with his corruptible body transformed into and incorruptible one. Just the way ours to will be transform during the glorious rapture.

Was Jesus a created being? Some draw there question from Col 1:15 “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature” Jesus was never a created being, he had being with the father even before time was conceived, the bible says “and the Word was with God and the Word was God” John 1. The Father dwells with the Son and the Son with the Father. When the time of man’s redemption came, the Father had to give away the Son John 3:16 through whom all things where made and when the Son return back to heaven, he returned with a glorious body, and sat at the right of the Father interceding for us.

When it comes to resurrection, he is the first to resurrect Col 1:18 with incorruptible body, therefore setting a pattern for all who believe in him.

Jesus is not an Angel as some think, while angels are messenger and some standing in the presence of God Luke 1:19, Jesus himself is the present of God, the visible image of the invisible God. Angels were created by him and for him Col 1:17.

Should Jesus be worshipped? What is worship without Jesus? Can you truly worship God without the Son? Let assume you worship God, without the Son, you really do not know God. If you truly want to know God, then know the Son because Jesus is the only way to the true worship of God. When you worship Jesus, you are simply worshiping the Father because He and the Father are one John 10:30. Your relationship with the Son, means relationship with the Father [John 14: 21, 23]. The psalmist in 2:12 said “Worship the Son let he be angry”.

Did he claim to be the Son of God? The answer is yes he did claim that title in [John 10:36], When they were about to stone him for saying “I and my Father are one”. If he claim to be the Son of God then I as a Christian, I believe. If Jesus can call me gods [John 10:34], me that was made of dust, how then shall I address Jesus my Lord and Saviour that came from God and in God, who sat at the right hand of God, whom the twenty four elders and the four beast in Heaven fall down before and bow?

Is Jesus Christ the messiah of the whole world?
Some think that he was called to be the messiah of Israel only. Sometimes I wonder if they ever read the bible before they make such claims. The simple answer is; Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the whole world and without him there is no Heaven. If someone comes to you and say “hey you can make Heaven by doing good deed, don’t get caught up with doctrines of the bible”. Please run from such person because they don’t know the truth. Matt 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. He did not say Israel only but to all nation of the world

Finally reader…………….. Jesus Christ is God, the Son of God the Father and in union with God the Holy Spirit.
When God speaks, he does so through Jesus and in manifestation through the Holy Spirit. Amen

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