Song for Backsliders

Recently, I read the psalms of David and it was as if I had never come encounter with that psalm before. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.  Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.
This is a prophetic psalm because when it was spoken by David, the whole of Israel was under the Law. A period when God had not made the human body his temple Exodus 25:8. In fact, even the temples and sanctuary that were built then, as ordered by God, were attended to by the priests and Levities.
Holy Spirit was not dwelling inside of man until the work of redemption was complete. When David a man whom God said is after his heart backslide, it set an example for us all, because when it comes to sin man is fallible. Remember what Paul said. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. [1Cor 10:12]

God through the mouth of David gave every believer a song they should sing while on the Kneel of Confession and Humility. That song had been from everlasting to everlasting but it was not revealed to Angels when they backslide nor men of old but it was reveal to David out of whom the Lamb of God, the Messiah would come.

This psalms like others was inspirationally given for the future use of those who will backslide like David. This psalms was intentional, strategic and specific so that those who backslide will know that they are not alone, someone before them had gone through that phase and the kind of prayer that person prayed to reconcile himself back to God. There is no excuse not to return back to God.

Create in me a clean heart-
The bible say [Jer 17:19] the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? The heart which is the chamber of the soul, the seat of emotion and the centre for decision when corrupted, it takes the Mercies of God to correct. Or perhaps God gives a new heart. And truly God can give a new heart as seen in [Ezek 11:19]

renew a right spirit within me-
Meaning right attitude, right sense of thinking, good motives, uprightness, good character that will please God and in return please man.

Cast me not away from thy presence-
Definitely God’s presence cannot be someone who backslide because we knowingly turn away from God. The truth is, God never left but rather our iniquities have separate us from God [Isa 59:2]. And this state of not having God’s presence is terrible, it can be compare to a city with broken down wall.
Remember what often happen to Israel when they ignore God in their daily lifes.

Take not your Holy Spirit from me-
Every believer as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit but when we backslide, you don’t expect the Holy Spirit to stay, he cannot cohabit with sin because he is Holy.

Restore unto me the Joy of thy salvation-
I have heard people say “the joy of my salvation” it is wrong. Jesus saved us and he alone can give joy that is found in salvation. The joy in salvation can be lost like Adam lost his glory in Eden. But thank God for grace that is found in Jesus. When we lost our Joy, we can pray for it to return after repentant. The joy found in salvation are numerous but I won’t fail to least but few.
1.     Peace
2.     Hope
3.     Blessing
4.     Eternal Life
5.     Fellowship
6.     Vision
7.     Revelation
8.     Voice of God
9.     Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
10.   Love
11.   Etc.
Imagine losing all this because of the pleasure of sin which is for a season. Heb 11 vs 25

Start singing that song right now with all your heart and believe….. You can search and download Keith green song title Create in me a clean heart

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