God so love that he gave...

The world we’re living in is a sinful world. The world itself as made by God is perfect but it sole inhabitant, man, have made it ungodly because of Sin and because it abound [Eccl 8:11]. God is not slacking concerning his coming and Judgement [1pet 3:8-9], he is waiting for the gospel of Jesus to be preach for a witness to all nations [Matt 24:14] and secondly he does not want any to perish.

That is why he sent Jesus to save man from his Judgement which is very terrible, [Zeph 1:15 Amos 5:18].
The bible says in John 3:16 For God so love the world that he gave the only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

This scripture is well known by Christian and non-Christian but taking a good look at it meditatively, it is the anchor upon which the whole gospel of the kingdom of God stands. Am saying this because some don’t pay attention to what they read but that is another interesting topic that will be discussed when the time is right.
For God so love the world-

Not the system of things at which the world operate now but “WE, ME, YOU”. God know us because he made us, He love us because we were made in his image and likeness and to have a personal relationship with Him. Remember Adam our first father, God had relationship with him until he transgress and for many generations, having relationship with God became difficult.
That He gave his only begotten Son-

God does not want that for us, he knows our helplessness when it comes to sin this was why He sent his Son Jesus to come and take away our Sin by dying on the Cross. Sin have to go away from us if we are to have a relationship with God. Jesus did not just come to take our Sins away, but also to show us the Way, the Truth and Life, and Peace.

Way- No philosophy, sect, moral life, solitude, idols, kings, wealth and the likes can restore unto us the age lost relationship with God except through the Son. He is the only way to the father because he came from Heaven,

Truth- The truth about the kingdom of God, the way we ought to live, reward of having the relationship God want restored, what is needful, about Heaven and Hell, about Satan and his devices ……

Life- Without relationship with God there is no life, we live in total darkness, like dead men walking. He sent his Son to give life to all; eyes to the blind, leg to the lame, health to the sick, hope to the hopeless, fruit of the womb to the barren. And even life abundantly {Eternal Life}. You see when he died, he died for the sins of human race so that the death symbol we were carrying around because of hereditary and personal sins be taken care of. And when he arose from the grave, he gave to us a new life. A life not bound to sin, a life cleans from hereditary and personal sin. Oh happy are those who understand this

Peace- imagine a father cut off relationship with his child. The child will never have peace no matter what he engage himself with to attain it. The world has offered peace in variety of ways but to a searching soul, he will never be satisfy well unless he embrace the Son. And the kind of peace the Son gives his eternally different from the world.
And whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life-
All we need to do is just to believe in Jesus-faith. We are not saved by works. No, not one will enter into heaven just by- been well behave, doing good, giving arms and the likes. All that was and is always required to be saved is BELIEVE (FAITH) in JESUS. Once you believe and accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour (for this is the will of God the Father), you’re saved. In fact, you’re justified Rom 3:24 and sanctified (Separated} by God.

It please God that by the name of Jesus all will be saved Rom 4:12 and come to a personal relationship with Him.
In fact, Angels in Heaven are watching right now has you are reading and cannot wait for you to confess Jesus are your personal Lord and Save.

Before you confess Jesus, there is few things you must know.
After confessing, you must strive maintain your relationship with God by

1.     1.   Studying his word [BIBLE].
It is a necessity for an up close relationship with him. His word is spirit and life

2.       Pray.
This simply means talking to God. Relationships is strengthened with communication. When you read the bible, God talks to you, when you pray, you talk to God.

3.        Trust.
You must totally depend on for everything.

4.       Examine your heart every day.
Some believe that after your sins are forgiving, subsequent ones will be forgiving without confessing the sin.
That is not truth.
It does not work that way.
We live in a world that is not suitable for this new life found in Jesus. This was the very reason why Paul said “work out your Salvation with fear and trembling” you have to continue in prayer, studying, exhortation and the things you hear God tell you to do.
Don’t feel relaxed after Confession and Repentance because the devil is devising every means to contend for your soul and like a roaring lion, he is looking for whom to devour. And God, though He is Love yet He is a consuming fire and cannot be mocked.
It is not his will that will should continue in Sin and if we do Sin, we should run to the Throne of Grace to confess our Sin and then obtain Mercy. This is an exclusive right for those who have confess him as Lord and Saviour.

5.       Fellowship with a bible believing Church.
So many seducing spirit can be found in churches…. Remember church simple means gathering of the believers. But not all believers are truly followers of Christ. Will write about that later as the Spirit leads. So you must pray that God gives you a heart to discern.

Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God
I believe that you came from heaven into this world
to shed your blood for the remission of Sin
I believe that you died on the cross for my Sin
I believe that you rose again from the dead.
I believe you’re coming back to take me with you.
Lord, come into my life and make me whole
Make me a new creature according to your word.
From now thenceforth, I put my trust in you
Dear Lord, give me the grace to abide in you. Amen

Look for a bible believing church and be baptise by immersion and the pray for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

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