Have you ever sit yourself down and ask this simple question. Am I a true Christian?  This is a question Apostle Paul instruct us in 2Cor 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

Who is a Christian?
Simply put, a follow of Christ Jesus. We Christian did not give our self this name, it was the pagans in Antioch who, observing the lives of the early believers that they were living and imitating life of Jesus who they all knew directly or indirectly.

And what kind of life did Jesus lived on earth?
A godly life and the one that worship God the Father of heaven and earth though he was the Son of God and God himself, he did not lifted himself high while in flesh John 13:4. Before he died for our iniquities, he taught us how to live, where our heart should be, how to pray, what to do, when to do, he gave a new commandment and warned us about his return and verily he said, the love of many to him shall wax cold Matt 24:12

I ask you again like I ask myself every time. Am I a true Christian? This help me a lot to see {those I can easily observe} things that I am doing that don’t really beseem a child of God, a Christian. Because each time I call myself a Christian, am simply confessing that I am a follower of Christ.
Anybody can now call themselves Christian. If this generation of Christians were to live during the days when early Christian’s persecution was severe, I don’t think they will stand boldly and confess they are Christian knowing that an immediate death await them.


It seems we have lost the true definition of following Christ. When we say we follow Christ,
that means, we live the way he lived on earth and this could only be possible after his death and resurrection. The disciples could not live his kind of life while he [Christ] was still alive on earth because he had not paid the price for our sin, become our righteousness, our salvation and destroy the power of sin over us which is death. John18:10, Luke 5:54.
But now we could live the way he lived on earth because of the complete work of redemption, Faith in him and total reliance on the Holy Spirit he had left for us John 16:13.

Are you living the life of a Christian?
Anybody can claim to be a Christian. You go to church on Sundays, attend weekly service, pay your tithe, and engage yourself in church activities. This are things even the Pharisees do Matt 5:20. It goes way beyond that. Remember the young ruler in Luke 18:18, Jesus told him follow me. In another verse it says Take my yoke upon you Matt 11:29

This is how Gill explain it
Christ exhorts such persons who come to him for rest and happiness, to profess their faith in him, to embrace the doctrines of the Gospel, to submit to his ordinances, and to walk according to those laws, commands, and orders, which he, as king of saints, has made, and requires obedience to: so those who come to him for life, and believe in him, as the Saviour of their souls, though they are not to trust in, and depend upon any duties performed by them; yet they are not to sit still, or lay aside the performance of good works, or live a licentious course of life, but are always to be doing the will and work of their Lord. And this he calls "his yoke", in distinction from the yoke of the law of Moses, and of the traditions of the elders.

The yoke of been a Christian distinguish you from the World. Now the question is, do you have the yoke of Christ, the yoke of been a Christian? Because very Christian must have the yoke.
A yoke which will make you uncomfortable with sin, whose pleasure is for a season, a yoke that will make the world hate you because you don’t have pleasure to do that which they do again Rom 1:32

Another name for the yoke of Christ, MANAGEMENT.
When you take the yoke  upon yourself, you under the management of Christ

Are you living that life that profess Christianity?
It hurts me when I hear an unbeliever says, “If that guy is a Christian, I’d rather remain like this”
It hurt me when I hear women say “I will put my Christianity aside and fight you”
It hurt me when I hear Christians say in defence, “Christianity is in the heart”

Read....... Are you a true Christian part 2

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