If you’re still comfortable with sin, you are not a Christian and no gainsaying about it. Many times in the bible, we were told to do away with sin because sin is the transgression of the law 1 John 3:4. Not the Laws of man but the Law of God.
When you break man’s law, you are subjected to punishment. This laws were not created to make living inconvenient, but rather to guide you and as well make you live peacefully with your neighbours. This also can be liken to the Law of God. Breaking this Law simply means sin. It means we do not have the fear of God enough to live by his commandment.

The first thing the Holy Spirit does after you confess Christ Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour is to convict your heart. This simply means you’re as guilty as charged. He helps you to see your barren life without Christ which in return create a hunger in you to draw closer to Christ Jesus. And then began the process of making you uncomfortable with sin. This is a lifelong process. Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
When you trust Holy Spirit completely, he helps you to become uncomfortable with sin by drawing you closer to the bible and also the act of prayer.

Note: it is one thing to be born again, another thing is to receive the Holy Spirit Act 2:38, 8:15-17, 11:15, 19:2

Are you a true Christian?

A true Christian will never be comfortable with telling lies
A true Christian will never be comfortable with silly Jokes
A true Christian will never be comfortable with Masturbation
A true Christian will never be comfortable with pornography
A true Christian will never be comfortable with going to club
A true Christian will never be comfortable with cheating
A true Christian will never be comfortable with sagging
A true Christian will never be comfortable with exposing cleavage
A true Christian will never be comfortable with dress that exposes sensitive parts
A true Christian will never be comfortable with drinking and getting drunk
A true Christian will never be comfortable with coarse talk
A true Christian will never be comfortable with profane words
A true Christian will never be comfortable with been lesbian
A true Christian will never be comfortable with been a gay
A true Christian will never be comfortable with gambling
A true Christian will never be comfortable with eye service
A true Christian will never be comfortable with fornication
A true Christian will never be comfortable with idol worship
A true Christian will never be comfortable with smoking
A true Christian will never be comfortable with hard drugs
A true Christian will never be comfortable with stealing
A true Christian will never be comfortable with been a cult member
A true Christian will never be comfortable with anger
A true Christian will never be comfortable with fighting
A true Christian will never be comfortable with prayerlessness
A true Christian will never be comfortable with not studying the bible
And less I forget, you cannot be a true Christian and be comfortable with listening to songs of jayz, lady gaga, rihanna and all of them whose life do not glory God not even in their songs. Even if they sing Christian songs, anybody can sing whatever song they like as long as they have a target market. Satan himself sings it better

This are just tips to what a Christian should not be comfortable with if they indulge in them because they are common phenomenon among the youth.

And all this things are sin……………………………………..

My people are perish because they lack knowledge Hos 4:6

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge Prov 1:7

The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. Prov 8:13.

please ponder on this things......

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