Nccf is like a mini Nigeria but with less sophisticated Government. It has many State and local Government within each State. Her Capital [NATIONAL] is located in Port Harcourt.

Let me not bore you with long stories and from this point I will be talking from State house perspective. I have never been to the State capital but the National President [2014] came to Akure State house to check on our welfare. And he indeed commend the State house to be one of the best he had seen.

There are Excos and House Official.

Followed by unordain group of guys who usually call themselves ELDERS

In NCCF, you will join a particular department were you may become active or inactive. And it is possible to join all department. I did but not active in some of them.

Drama, publicity, prayer, bible study, ushering, technical, mini mart department etc.


1.       PRESIDENT [ALSO KNOWN AS PAPA]- All batch A corp member are usually elected as President and they are never elected by vote but rather through prayer. They are usually very reserve by my observation. I remember my first encounter with the President [2014] His name is Seun. He called me to the office and ask me if I know him. And I was like “why won’t I know you. I have been here almost two month”. He was a medical practitioner likewise the one that came after him. They have the power to do and undo in that house. And no decision can be made without them knowing, well, except the once that does not concern the entire house.

He gives sermon every Sunday fellowship which take place in the evening or invite past Presidents or ministers. He also oversee the affair of zone and sub zone. This are NCCF houses located in other local government outside Akure.

2.       STATE SECRETARY [ALSO KNOWN A UNCLE]- All batch A corp members are usually elected as Secretary and they are never elected by vote but rather through prayer. They are usually very reserve by my observation. Uncle and Papa are the only Excos that live in the same room. Uncle does most of the administrative work and assisted by Auntie.

He rarely give sermon every Sunday fellowship. He also oversee the affair of zone and sub zone. He and auntie takes charge of family meetings

3.       ASSISTANT SECRETARY [AUNTIE] – Assist the Uncle in administration. They are usually female and little bit of reserved.

4.       TREASURER [ CBC OR CBN] – I really do not know what CBC means. They are in charge of money in the house. They are female too but friendly and good companion.

5.       FINANCIAL SECRETARY [ FINO] – They are in charge of balancing State house account. They can be any gender. A good friend of mine whose name is Hogan Joshua was once a Fino. When he wants to be alone, you will be helping him by staying away else you will see his unhappy face. Like someone whose food is taken away and he can do nothing about it.

6.       PRAYER CORDINATOR [ PRAYO] – They make sure that the house is never weary of prayer or prayer less. They are usually male. They have this strange energy. When others are tired they are not. When others are sleeping, their eyes is fully awake like a thief. When it is time for platoon midnight prayer, they will come and wake all those concern, which make me wonder if they ever sleep. They are very jovial and don’t play with food except when they are fasting.

7.       DRAMA DIRECTOR [DD] – every Sunday, there is always a drama presentation and also during rural rugged evangelism. Drama night and some other programs. They can be any gender.

8.       BIBLE STUDY CORDINATOR [RABBI]- is in charge of bible study which takes place every Wednesday and sermons every morning and at night before or after lunch. There is also a timetable which contain names of those who also help in taking sermon for them. These coordinators are male. They are good at what they do

9.       EVANGELISM COORDINATOR [RUGGED MAN] - they are indeed rugged. One of the primary reason for the existence of NCCF is evangelism. These evangelism are usually done in rural areas. All NCCF members from all zone and sub zone meet at the point of evangelism.

10.   PUBLICITY SECRETARY [PLUBLO]- they are in charge of publicity and media as well as selling motivational books in the house or programs held by NCCF

11.   TOS MAN – you hardly see them in the house. They are in charge of transportation and organisation in the house. They are energetic.

12.   CHOIR CORDINATOR [CMD]- coordinate praise and worship in the house and other programs. Usually coordinated by female and assisted by male

13.   SISTER’S WELFARE CORDINATOR [MAMA] –When you see guys gather at night singing for a sister before or after lunch, mama is not far from them. They are in charge of cooking for the house though assisted by both genders. If you’re close to mama, then you have no fear. She will recognise your cooler and serve your food in your absent.

I hope I have not fail to mention an exco

House Official.

While excos are in charge of administration within and outside the house, house official are organisers of the house. Corp members relate well with house officials. While Excos have their separate rooms, house officials’ sleep in the same place were ordinary corp members’ sleep. They listen to complains and attend to their needs. If it is beyond their power, they will involve the Excos

STATE BROTHER COORDINATOR [FATHER] - One of the most powerful member of the house after the President and Uncle is Father. He has no power over the other excos and they don’t have power over him. It will take more than two excos to question Father. He report directly to the president and occasional to uncle. He is much closer to the people than any other exco or house official. The duties of Father is to put the house in order whether the president is present or not. Batch A and Batch C are usually selected as Father.

ASSISTANT BROTHER COORDINATION [A FATHER] he assist father in carrying out his duties. He report directly to father. Batch A and Batch B are usually selected for this position. It is possible that the people will love A father more than Father depending on their closeness to them.

ASSISTANT SISTERS WELFARE COORDINATOR [A MAMA] she assist mama on daily routine.

Assistant transport and organisation committee [A TOS]: Assist TOSMAN on daily routine.

CHIEF USHER [CHIEFO] they prepare the hall for meetings, fellowship or programs

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR [AFAYO PAPAE] He is in charge of instruments and making the house and programs lively with good sound

CHIEF MEDICAL DIRECTOR [CMD] he or she is the house doctor. Whenever you feel sick, just go to them. The drugs given to you are free except if the house don’t have such drug.
Unofficial  include
The elders; group of guys who make the house lively. if there is something you like doing, and not hurtful to the house, you will be given a title for which yoou will be referred to as long as you remain a corper

Who and Who in NCCF

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