Are you still comfortable with sin?
I feel I should write about this issue when I heard my Pastor saying the same word I had heard my spirit saying over time. After I was opportune to minister on Thursday faith clinic, my pastor came up to the pulpit to round up the service and I heard him repeatedly saying “pray that God should make you uncomfortable with sin”.

It was not a mistake, I had heard him saying words I had heard from God. To confirm this, God told me to tell the church to laugh when I was saying a closing prayer on a Sunday service few weeks before August convention 2016 tagged “AMEN”. I was overwhelmed when I heard Daddy G.O [Pastor E.A ADEBOYE] telling the congregation in the camp to laugh, thus confirming was I heard.

If you by chance happen to read this post, then thank God. I must tell you, it is not by chance that you reading it but by the divine grace of God because he has something to tell you.
If you have read ARE YOU A TRUE CHRISTIAN on this blog, then this is just a follow up. But if you have not, I beg you to go read it.

The world we are living in is waxing stronger and stronger in iniquity [sin]. Everything in this world is working together to enhance sin and not righteousness. And very few are conscious of this even though Jesus Christ had warned us before now.

I have indulge myself, so comfortable with sin to the extent I happily tell people to indulge in them. When I see people who call themselves pastors and evangelist doing some of this things, I feel so comfortable doing them. Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

 Knowing it is a sin, I find solace because those around me are also doing it and that they are very religious people; both Christian and Muslim though I was warned never to call the latter a worshipper of the true God [JEHOVAH].
The most painful thing is that we no longer know or able to differentiate between right and wrong. Wrong has been so painted that it glitters like gold to be cherished and white as snow to behold. Understand this, all wrong doing are not sin but all sin are wrong.
Check yourself and ask a simple question; if Jesus Christ comes now, will he be happy with the kind of life I am living? Will he be happy with what I am doing now?
Heb 12:1 wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
Read this scripture slow and steady, you will see a whole lot more about getting comfortable with sin.
Let aside every weight; understand this, weight is not a sin but can lead to sin and has lead to the sin of many. Weight can come in many form. The most important thing is that it hinder or slow us from running the race ahead of us. And when weight reach it peak in our life, it will definitely lead to sin. Look at Cain in the bible, after God rejected his offering, the bible recorded that his countenance fell. He began to nurture hatred for his brother. And God said If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door…”  Sin await you if you don’t take of that weight [anger, hatred etc] from off you.

Look at Lot too in the bible it was God’s mercy that took him out of that city because in Gen 9:16 he lingered even though the angels hastened him… though his soul was vexed at the way of living in that city, at a time he was getting a bit comfortable living there that he lingered when he was told to go.. if not for Mercy, he would have perished.

Sin which doth so easily beset us; simple put, sin which we easily commit. Sins we are comfortable with. I can’t start naming this sins. But we should constantly check ourselves. He that thinketh he stands, should take heed, lest he falls. One particular sin that is so common and has in fact mingled it way into our life is Lie. I have heard many say there is white lie which is not a sin. They also say, the sin of a murderer is greater than the sin of a liar. Such a pity. I urge you to read the bible. It is the manual for daily living for all those who confess Jesus as there Lord and Saviour.
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

All liars no exception, no grade. All will partake in the same Lake of fire..

Though I write this, I also am talking to myself. Though I am now born of the Spirit, I am also human born of flesh and blood and living in a sin infested world.

Even though we are saved by grace through faith in Lord Jesus, will still have to work out our Salvation with fear and trembling. Satan is not sleeping. He is active until his end. Look around you, everything in this world has been polluted with the vices of devil.
And if it will take the grace of God to save the very elect how much more all those who are living comfortably with sin.



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