This is a question for everyone no matter your position. Remember! He that thinketh he stands should take heed less he falls. Remember Peter in the bible. After made a confession of who Christ his, he thought he was ready but three times he denied Christ.

Some people have never been to church yet they claim to be a Christian perhaps they were born into a Christian family; that is the case of many.
Some do go to church because they feel that as a Christian, they should be in church on Sunday and rarely attend weekly service. But is all that?

Does going to church make you a christian? even unbelievers goes to church

Everyone knows who a Christian is, but every few know what it takes to be a Christian. You enter a taxi and the driver takes you to your destination. The both of you are in the taxi but there are two different people inside. The passenger and the driver. The passenger may know who a driver is, but he can never know what it takes to be a driver and to be driver that particular taxi.

Gandhi said ‘’I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

When we call ourselves Christian we’re telling the world I am a follower of Christ. I live after the pattern of Christ but does our way of life concur to the ways Christ? 2 Tim 3:5 Titus 1:15

The followers of Christ where first called Christian in Antioch because they had some characteristics, some peculiarity that could only have come from the crucified Saviour Jesus Christ. In Act 4:13 is a good example of the peculiarity.

What then are the attributes of a Christian?

They are numerous, but shall narrow them down to few.
  1.  Bold and confident Act 4;13, Heb 10:13, 2 Tim 1:7
  2. Always together to fellowship Act 4:42 Heb 10:25
  3.  Love others as youeself John3 :35, Matt 7:12
  4.  Readily to share the gospel
  5.  Not wanting in place of prayer for themselves and for others 1 Thess 5:17, philemon 1:4
  6.  Hate iniquity 2Tim 2:19
  7. Cheerful giver 2 Corint 9:7 2 Chron 24:24
  8. Study the word of God Act 17:11 2Tim 2:15
  9.  Humble and ready to serve Act 6:vs 2 John 13:14
  10.  Focus on the things above Col 3:2 2Cor 4:18
  11. They carry there cross Matt 11:28
  12.  A personal relationship with Christ. 1Cort 1:9
h      Every Christian must have this quality in them for it distinguish them from moralist and     unbelievers
Pray point: Father give me the grace to live according to your standard.

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