Some will wonder what the philosophy of satan is.

Every bible studying Christian must have come across this word “Skin for Skin”

This was the reply satan gave to God concerning Job. But do we know that satan was in fact referring Man as a whole? He told God “Skin for skin, all that a man has he will give to save his life”. Both the rich and the poor will do anything to save their life. To save life does not necessarily mean, to save one’s self from death. 

It goes beyond that. Life itself is a compound word and all that is within it is very important, just like the body cannot be body without the head, the eyes, hand, leg and likes.
Satan told God that man can lose everything. But has long as they still have life, they will do anything in their power not to lose it. When we talk about life, we talk about anything of worth. Some things man cannot do without. Sometimes they can be abstract things like Respect, honour or tangible like materials things. Both the poor and the rich have saved themselves many times by bowing to the philosophy of satan.

Remember Esau in the bible. He gave his birth right in other to eat and stay alive

 Many poor people have sold the only thing they have, which might be their integrity in other to stay alive. Some have lied their way through, bear false witness of what is not true and go as far as to kill in other to stay alive.

Remember Herod. For fear of losing respect and honor, he gave up John the Baptist.

The rich men have done the worst. To save their self from disgrace and shame, from dishonour and excommunication they are ready to do all that it takes not minding the cost. “All that a man has he will give to save his life”. Sometimes in our lives, we have bow to this philosophy. But glory be to Jesus Christ for victory over sin and for the words of truth which indeed set us free.

The philosophy of satan is a false philosophy. For Jesus said whosoever will save his life shall lose and whosoever lose is life for my sake and for the sake of the gospel, the same shall have it. Mark 8:35.
The life will live is never ours in the first place. It was given to us. Why then do we struggle to keep it? When we can lay it at the feet of the giver to safe guide it for us.

This is a food for thought for everyone including me Enebeli ifeanyi, the writer of this piece. Most of the time if not all the time, we don’t remember what Jesus said about the Soul. What shall it profit a man when he gains the whole world and lose is soul? Yes we can give all we have to save our life, but what about our soul which is beyond our reach?

Please let us meditate upon this words and share it if you can.

I pray that the York upon you, which you now carry because of the philosophy of satan be broken in Jesus Name

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