Contact Details for All NCCF Chapters in Nigeria


Contact Details for All NCCF Chapters in Nigeria


08037779238, 07038226547.


07033695367, 07068277440.


08061608453, 08027460069, 07064400743.


08033767247, 07036826425, 07033071862.


080357552148, 08162145953, 08065252675.


07082060984, 08078240642, 08136949050.


08034140102, 08074802663, 08169703263.


07036677844, 08058935260.


07039277107, 08071461650.


08062625980, 07057027450, 08039415912.


08033855844, 07033959597, 07032091337.


08034238103, 07063621656, 08107762095.


08037793032, 08031870504, 07033973302.


07037845584, 08063703466, 08135063288.


08057931633, 07060665383, 07038975249.


08069731252, 08034598194, 08064408447.


08151676347, 08037106044, 07030968377.


07035875347, 08106921329, 08087125646.


08034530158, 08054253957.


07034118776, 08034525149.


08034949659, 08069073699.


07037919609, 07034639414, 08121572366.


07038295679, 07054781714.


08168458927, 08035617288.


08023320483,  08093259870.


08034794161, 08076798679.


08057806712, 08060547081.


08063153017, 08137383136.


08035716763, 07032818626.


08063675500, 08061398810.


08035335523, 08079651066, 08095527017.


08061360725, 08036803532, 07037960930.


08032628551, 08036318399, 07063520667.


08100461815, 08065667960, 08121212950.


08034599198, 08085065025, 07069355112.


08036419824, 08089331391, 07036500866.


08034975985, 07035581549.



Some will wonder what the philosophy of satan is.

Every bible studying Christian must have come across this word “Skin for Skin”

This was the reply satan gave to God concerning Job. But do we know that satan was in fact referring Man as a whole? He told God “Skin for skin, all that a man has he will give to save his life”. Both the rich and the poor will do anything to save their life. To save life does not necessarily mean, to save one’s self from death. 

It goes beyond that. Life itself is a compound word and all that is within it is very important, just like the body cannot be body without the head, the eyes, hand, leg and likes.
Satan told God that man can lose everything. But has long as they still have life, they will do anything in their power not to lose it. When we talk about life, we talk about anything of worth. Some things man cannot do without. Sometimes they can be abstract things like Respect, honour or tangible like materials things. Both the poor and the rich have saved themselves many times by bowing to the philosophy of satan.

Remember Esau in the bible. He gave his birth right in other to eat and stay alive

 Many poor people have sold the only thing they have, which might be their integrity in other to stay alive. Some have lied their way through, bear false witness of what is not true and go as far as to kill in other to stay alive.

Remember Herod. For fear of losing respect and honor, he gave up John the Baptist.

The rich men have done the worst. To save their self from disgrace and shame, from dishonour and excommunication they are ready to do all that it takes not minding the cost. “All that a man has he will give to save his life”. Sometimes in our lives, we have bow to this philosophy. But glory be to Jesus Christ for victory over sin and for the words of truth which indeed set us free.

The philosophy of satan is a false philosophy. For Jesus said whosoever will save his life shall lose and whosoever lose is life for my sake and for the sake of the gospel, the same shall have it. Mark 8:35.
The life will live is never ours in the first place. It was given to us. Why then do we struggle to keep it? When we can lay it at the feet of the giver to safe guide it for us.

This is a food for thought for everyone including me Enebeli ifeanyi, the writer of this piece. Most of the time if not all the time, we don’t remember what Jesus said about the Soul. What shall it profit a man when he gains the whole world and lose is soul? Yes we can give all we have to save our life, but what about our soul which is beyond our reach?

Please let us meditate upon this words and share it if you can.

I pray that the York upon you, which you now carry because of the philosophy of satan be broken in Jesus Name


by 13:42

I have nothing
I know nothing
Who am i worthy of your mercy?
When the pleasure of Sin abound in me,
Toss to and from by iniquity,
You remain faithful.
Kept Knocking at the door of my heart
Calling me to come and dine
Calling me to come am thine
Who am i Lord
Worthy of your Mercy


by 13:30

This is a question for everyone no matter your position. Remember! He that thinketh he stands should take heed less he falls. Remember Peter in the bible. After made a confession of who Christ his, he thought he was ready but three times he denied Christ.

Some people have never been to church yet they claim to be a Christian perhaps they were born into a Christian family; that is the case of many.
Some do go to church because they feel that as a Christian, they should be in church on Sunday and rarely attend weekly service. But is all that?

Does going to church make you a christian? even unbelievers goes to church

Everyone knows who a Christian is, but every few know what it takes to be a Christian. You enter a taxi and the driver takes you to your destination. The both of you are in the taxi but there are two different people inside. The passenger and the driver. The passenger may know who a driver is, but he can never know what it takes to be a driver and to be driver that particular taxi.

Gandhi said ‘’I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

When we call ourselves Christian we’re telling the world I am a follower of Christ. I live after the pattern of Christ but does our way of life concur to the ways Christ? 2 Tim 3:5 Titus 1:15

The followers of Christ where first called Christian in Antioch because they had some characteristics, some peculiarity that could only have come from the crucified Saviour Jesus Christ. In Act 4:13 is a good example of the peculiarity.

What then are the attributes of a Christian?

They are numerous, but shall narrow them down to few.
  1.  Bold and confident Act 4;13, Heb 10:13, 2 Tim 1:7
  2. Always together to fellowship Act 4:42 Heb 10:25
  3.  Love others as youeself John3 :35, Matt 7:12
  4.  Readily to share the gospel
  5.  Not wanting in place of prayer for themselves and for others 1 Thess 5:17, philemon 1:4
  6.  Hate iniquity 2Tim 2:19
  7. Cheerful giver 2 Corint 9:7 2 Chron 24:24
  8. Study the word of God Act 17:11 2Tim 2:15
  9.  Humble and ready to serve Act 6:vs 2 John 13:14
  10.  Focus on the things above Col 3:2 2Cor 4:18
  11. They carry there cross Matt 11:28
  12.  A personal relationship with Christ. 1Cort 1:9
h      Every Christian must have this quality in them for it distinguish them from moralist and     unbelievers
Pray point: Father give me the grace to live according to your standard.

Thought of Eternity

When God made man, by default, man was meant to live forever. God did not create man to have a terminal year. Man was meant to live eternally like God on earth. He told them be fruitful and multiple in fact he told them to subdue the earth. [Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.]
God gave to man a heart that could beat forever. But unfortunately our first parent disobeyed God by eating the fruit of the tree he had forbidden them.
This lead to man having a terminal year. He would have allow man to live forever but he did not create man with the capability to contain evil not even the Angels could contain evil only God has that power. [Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.]
[Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.]
 Now imagine if man could live forever in that state of evil inclination. Even with the short years that God had left us with, we hardly love each other.
Though we now live a terminal year, that is, immortality has be taken from us yet there is but one thing God did not take away the Thought of Immortality, The Thought of Living Forever. It is engraved deep in the untouchable part of our heart. Believers and unbeliever think about this.
I am not surprise that the people who live in the remote part of the world where there is no civilization and no knowledge of Christ Jesus believes that there is life after death. They even believe the dead are alive and watching over them. Where do you think this thought come from?
Jazzy sang a song ‘forever young’. Let us not be mistaken he speaks for us all. He spoke the yearning of all human. Even though he himself is not on the right path of righteousness, we cannot ignore the fact that we know what he is talking about. What do you think will drive man to spend all he has to look young, to save his image, to continue living? Man can only try, God’s word remain the same.
David in all his glory knew he cannot live forever on earth that is why he prayed [Ps 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.] Man understood by reason of sin, that life his short lived but there is more to life that he cannot comprehend.
Glory be to Jesus for he has reconcile us back to God. All that we have lost to sin he came to recover and has recovered all. The relationship that was lost, he has restored. The immortality that was taken away he has given it back to us  [2Tim 1:10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:]
[John 10:10 ……….I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.]
If you are one of those with this thought, today I’ll tell you the truth. You can sleep and wake up morning and night with this thought, it will never change anything. The only one who can give you the immortality your soul yearn for is Jesus. [John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.]
All you need is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
Matt 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
John 8:12… I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
John 8:31……If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

There is a Passion Burning within me


There is a passion burning within me

A spring of thirst, desire unquenchable.

Craving hard to taste the brook of devotion.

Solitude will not empty my mind.

Meditation is a waste of time.

A spring as sprang up from depth unknown,

the birth of a burning passion within me

I thirst, I thirst.


There is a passion burning within me

Against my flesh and mundane desire

I shall not bow to what weaken my inner man

Come what may. To the dripping blood

Of Calvary I’ll crawl still my Saviour bid

me to stand up.
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