Why you should never give up on God


I went to church, to clear the weed growing around the premises. On getting there I called one of my friend who also is a Minister, i also called a member who live very close. While clearing the weed, the Minister called someone from his house to bring herbicide. I was happy because it will make the job quicker.

The next day which was Tuesday; Digging Deep, I went to church with the hope that all the weed would have dried up, but I was wrong. In fact the weeds we you herbicide on was still standing firm. I got annoyed and ask the Minister what went wrong. And he said “I think the herbicide had expired”

On Thursday I went to church for faith clinic and the Minister called my attention to the weed. Behold they all dried up. While meditating on what I saw, the Lord ministered to me. This is one of the reasons why so many prayers are not answered and sometimes when answered, the person who prayed will be found wanting. Doubt is never a thing that please God only faith. Hebrews 11 vs 6

 When we pray and no immediate answer we easily give up. We let doubt take the position of faith. In this context, Doubt is never the absent of faith but rather it render faith handicap. Doubt sit on the throne of faith. Doubt has no face, it gives too many alternative way while faith in God has only one way. but very few are ready to walk that way nothing minding tribulations that may follow.

Have you prayed and no answer, remember blind Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52. He didn’t see Jesus, he only heard of him that he was passing by. He began to cry out. Jesus heard him but didn’t stop. People even told blind Bartimaeus to keep quiet but he cried out the more. Until Jesus stood still and ordered that he should be brought to him.

While some people pray and get answers immediately, some will have to continue in prayer until something happen. The Will of God differs in our life just as He has given to everyone a measure of faith Romans 12 vs 3. You still do not have what you’re praying for, keeping praying for it as long as it is not an evil or self-centred request.

Remember Daniel 10. Right from the movement he began to pray, answers to his prayers had been given but the prince of persia withheld the Angel who was to tell him that God had heard his prayers. Daniel continued praying for 3weeks. And at the end he saw a vision.

Never give up on God in whatever situation you find yourself. Job didn’t give up even though he lost everything. The only thing that remained told him to curse God and die. Yet Job remained steadfast. God has never giving up on any one, else He wouldn’t have given us a NAME by which we can call upon to and be saved. Romans 10 vs 13

When everything seems not to be working fine, remember we have a Cloud of Witness Hebrews 12vs1 who had pass through what we are passing through, and now, they all have a testimony written all over the footprint of the scripture for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and instruction in righteousness. 2 Tim 3vs16

Never give up on God because He has not given up on you. He has never failed. He will never failed. Forever and ever He remain the same and ever faithful Isaiah 49vs15
God bless you

Understanding the Lord's Prayer

by 12:39

I was opportune to minister at a youth vigil of recent. And while the service is going on, the Lord ask me to pay attention to how they recite the Lord’s Prayer. Truly it was discouraging because they were reciting it like poem. But that was not all. Before I step up to alter to give my sermon, they repeated the Lord’s Prayer again like reciting poem. These was a confirmation to the topic I was to treat that night. Understanding the Lord’s Prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer that we should be careful with when saying it or using as a guide to prayer. These is a prayer from Heaven to man. This prayer is not meant for unbelievers but rather for those who have confess Christ Jesus as their personnel Lord and Saviour. The content of the Prayer can testify of that. This prayer does not give room for repentant, it is repentant first then the Lord’s Prayer.

You say I am a Christian, but that is not all there is more. Only the broken in the Lord can access the Throne of grace, mercy and power with the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer need to be understood for it to be effectual.
Some will say ‘so those little children reciting the Lord’s Prayer are not worthy’. I am not saying that, and God himself is the Judge of that alone. But as many that are matured most especially those who profess Christianity, I say to you “do you really understand the Lord’s Prayer?

His disciple said to him Teach us how to Pray.
Our Father, how art in Heaven hallow be thy name.
When we utter such statement with our mouth, do we really know what we are saying?  God is the God of all the earth but a Father to do who live according to his will. You call him Father but does he acknowledge you as a son. Do you have a personal relationship with the one you say is your Father in Heaven? Do you fear His name in all thy dealings?. We all know the name of our President, does that means the president knows us?  John 10:14 I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
Matt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven? When we say thy kingdom come, are we really ready for His return. I have ask some ladies {all choristers} at different places that do you want Jesus to come now. Believe me they all said almost the same thing. I want to get married, have my house, my companies, my children and the likes.. This ones are not ready for His kingdom yet they pray…… let your kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven. Let us ask ourselves, are we really doing the will of God on earth? Because only the fellow doing the will of God on earth is equipped to declare the will of Heaven on earth. Do we even know the will of God for our lives? Misplace priority is one of the foundation of unanswered prayers. Matt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us.
All that a man has, the Lord is not without the knowledge of it. Psalms 73 whether acquired by false or in truth. It is a must that we request for our daily bread. The bread is in two fold. The physical bread; which is food and the spiritual bread which is the word of God. Man can go a day without the former, but the latter we can cannot do without. It is a means where by the Father commune with us. How often do we ask for this bread?
If we don’t forgive any who offend us, our prayer is meaningless. Because we are telling God that He should forgive us since we have obeyed is commandment to forgive all that wronged us. We can’t come to God with anger, grudges, hatred in our heart and position ourselves to say the Lord’s Prayer, He will not hear us.

And lead us not into temptation {this is a topic of its own and to be discussed soon.

In conclusion, understanding the Lord’s Prayer does not discourage anyone from praying but rather help us to know our right standing with the Father. It in fact help us to consider our ways. 1Cor 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

I Pray the good Lord will give us more understanding in Jesus Name. Amen

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